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Past Continuous Tense | Pembahasan & Contoh

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tak lengkap tanpa tenses. Ada sekitar 16 tenses yang harus dikuasai, salah satunya yakni Past Continuous Tense. Bagaimana menggunakan tense ini? Seperti apa contoh past continuous tense?

Jika kamu sedang mencari referensinya untuk bahan belajar di rumah, maka pembahasan berikut layak untuk diikuti. Di sini, kita akan bahas tuntas apa itu past continuous tense, rumus dan contoh kalimatnya.

Past continuous tense merupakan salah satu jenis dari past tense. Hal ini sama seperti contoh past perfect tense dan contoh simple past tense yang juga jenis past tense.

Sebelum membuat kalimat past continuous tense versi kalian, yuk simak penjabaran dan contoh penggunaan kalimat dalam beberapa konteks berikut.

Pengertian Past Continuous Tense

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Past Continuous Tense adalah bentuk verb/kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang tengah berlangsung pada periode tertentu di waktu lampau. Past Continuous Tense disebut juga Past Progressive Tense.

Kalimatnya berbentuk verbal dan nominal yang menunjukkan suatu bentuk kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan sebelum atau sesudah periode waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Karena tenses ini merupakan jenis past tense, jadi sangat berbanding terbalik dengan contoh simple present tense.

Fungsi Past Continuous Tense

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Tense ini digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan aksi atau kegiatan yang dimulai pada masa lalu dan masih sedang terjadi ketika kegiatan lain muncul. Biasanya, tense ini digunakan pada konteks berikut:

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  • Menggambarkan kegiatan yang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada masa lalu. Biasanya ditunjukkan melalui penggunaan kata keterangan waktu seperti: All day last day, at 6pm this evening, in March, at this time last year, dan lain-lain.
  • Mendeskripsikan aksi yang tidak selesai yang diinterupsi oleh aksi atau kejadian lain. Biasanya ditandai dengan kata hubung while dan when.
  • Untuk mengekspresikan perubahan pikiran seseorang.

Secara lebih lengkap kamu bisa lihat penggunaan tense ini pada contoh yang akan disajikan pada uraian selanjutnya.

Rumus Past Continuous Tense

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Bisa dilihat gambar diatas bahwa past continuous tense menggunakan verb-ing. Hal tersebut sama seperti rumus dari present perfect continuous tense. Nah, Past Continuous Tense sendiri terdiri dari bagian berikut:

  • to be (was / were)
  • main verb + ing
  • complement (opsional)

Past Continuous bisa berbentuk aktif dan pasif. Sementara subjek yang digunakan sama dengan tense lainnya yaitu I, He, She, It, You, They, We.

Was digunakan untuk subject:

I, He, She, It, dan kata benda tunggal lainnya, misal Ani, Rina, Robert, dll.

Were digunakan untuk subject:

They, We, You, dan kata benda jamak lainnya, misal Ani & Rina, Rido & Wawan, dll.

Secara detail, susunan pola kalimatnya sebagai berikut:

Rumus Kalimat Positif (Positive/Affirmative Sentence)

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Formula atau rumus:

Subject + To Be (Was / Were) + Verb I (Ing) + Complement (Noun/ Object/ Adjective/Adverb,etc)

Subjectto beverb 1+ingcomplement











in a pond.










in a pond.

Contoh kalimat dengan keterangan waktu:

  • At 07 o’clock, Riana was going to a library.
  • The children were singing in the classroom at 10.00 o’clock in the morning.

Rumus Kalimat Negative (Negative Sentence)

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Formula atau rumus:

Subject + To Be (Was / Were) + Not + Verb I (Ing) + Complement (Noun/ Object/ Adjective/Adverb,etc)

Subjectto benotverb 1+ingcomplement













in a pond.












in a pond.

Contoh Past Continuous Tense dengan keterangan waktu:

  • Randi was not (wasn’t) studying together in this room before you came.
  • We were not (weren’t) playing football at 03.00 o’clock yesterday.

Rumus Kalimat Pertanyaan (Interrogative Sentence)

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Formula atau rumus:

To Be (Was / Were) + Subject + Verb I (Ing) + Complement (Noun/ Object/ Adjective/Adverb,etc)

To Besubjectverb 1+ingcomplement











in a pond?










in a pond?

Contoh kalimat dengan keterangan waktu:

  • Was Fiko playing badminton with her father at this time tonight?
  • Were you watching Korean Drama while we were sleeping?

Contoh Past Continuous Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Oke, teman-teman sudah mempelajari pengertian, fungsi, hingga rumus past continuous tense. Tapi biar lebih jelas, kamu bisa lihat variasi penggunaan contoh Past Continuous Tense dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan. Ada yang berkaitan kehidupan di rumah, sekolah, dan lain-lain.

Akan disajikan pula contoh kalimat dalam tiga versi, yaitu mulai dari positif, negatif, hingga interogatif. Tak perlu berlama-lama lagi, silahkan simak contoh-contoh berikut ini dengan seksama.

Contoh dengan Subjek Tunggal

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Subjek tunggal seperti: I, he, she, it, dan lainnya.

  • Contoh 1

(+) Oka was sleeping alone at 09.00 pm last night.

(-) Oka was not sleeping alone at 09.00 pm last night.

(?) Was Oka sleeping alone at 09.00 pm last night?

  •  Contoh 2

(+) Your cat was playing with a stray cat in front of my door at 04.00 pm yesterday. 

(-) Your cat was not playing with a stray cat in front of my door at 04.00 pm yesterday.

(?) Was your cat playing with a stray cat in front of my door at 04.00 pm yesterday?

  • Contoh 3

(+) I was staying at home from 07.00 am to 03.00 pm two days ago.

(-) I was not staying at home from 07.00 am to 03.00 pm two days ago.

(?) Was I staying at home from 07.00 am to 03.00 pm two days ago?

  • Contoh 4

(+) They were watching horror movies all day yesterday.

(-) They were not watching horror movies all day yesterday.

(?) Were they watching horror movies all day yesterday?

  • Contoh 5

(+) She was performing Korean Dance in some TV shows in February.

(-) She wasn’t performing Korean Dance in some TV shows in February.

(?) Was she performing Korean Dance in some TV shows in February?

Contoh dengan Subjek Jamak (Banyak)

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Subjek jamak meliputi you, they, we dan pelaku lebih dari satu. 

  • Contoh 1

(+) We were playing volleyball at Sadranan Beach at this time last year.

(-) We weren’t playing volleyball at Sadranan Beach at this time last year.

(?) Were we playing volleyball at Sadranan Beach at this time last year?

  • Contoh 2

(+) You were sleeping in my bedroom all day yesterday.

(-) You weren’t sleeping in my bedroom all day yesterday.

(?) Were you sleeping in my bedroom all day yesterday?

  • Contoh 3

(+) He was cleaning the yard with his mother at 09.00 am last Sunday.

(-) He was not cleaning the yard with his mother at 09.00 am last Sunday.

(?) Was he cleaning the yard with his mother at 09.00 am last Sunday?

  •  Contoh 4

(+) Rita and Wenda were buying tickets at cinemas this morning.

(-) Rita and Wenda were not buying tickets at cinemas this morning.

(?) Were Rita and Wenda buying tickets at cinemas this morning?

  • Contoh 5

(+) Some children were playing hide and seek in this garden three days ago.

(-) Some children were playing hide and seek at this garden three days ago.

(?) Were some childrens playing hide and seek in this garden three days ago?

Contoh Lain Menggunakan While dan When dan Artinya

pengertian, fungsi, rumus, dan contoh past continuous tense beserta artinya

Beberapa kalimat dalam Past Continuous Tense menggunakan kata penghubung waktu seperti while dan when. Seperti berikut ini:

  1. I was sleeping when my friend came to my house yesterday. (Saya sedang tidur ketika teman saya datang ke rumah kemarin).
  2. She was ironing a bunch of clothes while we were cooking fried rice last afternoon. (Dia sedang menyetrika setumpuk pakaian sementara kita memasak nasi goreng siang kemarin).
  3. They were playing football when you called. (Mereka sedang bermain sepakbola ketika kamu memanggil).
  4. Doni was doing his assignment while his brother watching Youtube. (Doni sedang mengerjakan tugas sedangkan adiknya sedang menonton Youtube).
  5. My teacher and I were arranging books while the headmaster was delivering a speech. (Guruku dan aku sedang menyusun buku di perpustakaan sementara kepala sekolah sedang berpidato).
  6. He was not sleeping in his dormitory when the thief came in. (Dia tidak sedang tidur di asramanya ketika pencuri masuk).
  7. We were not jogging when the building collapsed last week. (Kami tidak sedang jalan santai ketika bangunan itu runtuh minggu lalu).
  8. Renata was not studying math when the electricity went off last Monday. (Renata tidak sedang belajar ketika listrik mati Senin lalu).
  9. My mother was not driving a car when she got a call from me. (Ibuku tidak sedang mengendarai mobil saat mendapat telepon dariku).
  10. Many people were not wearing mask when they entered their own house. (Banyak orang tidak memakai masker ketika mereka masuk rumah mereka masing-masing).

Demikianlah definisi, fungsi dan contoh Past Continuous Tense yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi belajar. Kamu bisa contek terlebih dahulu, atau mau langsung membuat kalimat versimu sendiri? Selamat mencoba.

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